Sukkah 36 - August 12, 4 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Emma Rinberg in memory of her beloved mum, Marjorie Glick, Miriam Chana bat Menachem Mendel and Rachel on the occasion of her stone setting and shloshim. "May her precious neshama glow brightly in the zechut of our learning together. And by Terri Krivosha for the refuah shleima of her dear friend Elisheva Bat Orah. And by the Hadran zoom group for a refuah shleima for Debbie Gevir, Devora Shulamit bat Yocheved Chana. 'Team Debbie'’s tefilot, thoughts, and love are with you. May HaShem grant you a speedy and easy recovery. Rabba asks if defects that cause an animal to be a treifa would also cause the etrog to be tannaitic source, but without success. What is a Cushi etrog and in which case would it be invalid and in which case would it be valid? The gemara compares a dispute in our mishnah regarding the unripe etrog with a dispute regarding tithing an unripe etrog. Will those disqualify it for Sukkot, also say that they are exempt from tithing and vice-versa, or not? The gemara brings two different versions regarding the law that Rav said about an etrog chewed by mice - according to one version, he says it is invalid, and according to the other, he says it is kosher. Both versions compare the case to Rabbi Hanina who ate an etrog and used it for the mitzva. The opinions of Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda regarding the minimum size of etrog are consistent with their opinions in another controversy regarding the carrying of stones for use in the bathroom on Shabbat. According to Rabbi Yehuda, one can bind a lulav only with something of the same type. So how did the people of Jerusalem bind their lulav’s with gold bands? Rava says that according to Rabbi Yehuda, one can also bind the lulav with other parts of the palm tree, such as the fibers or the trunk.  

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