Sukkah 38 - Shabbat August 14, 6 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

If one did not fulfill one's mitzva of taking a lulav in the morning, for how long can it be done? If one started eating, should one stop eating and take the lulav? Is it possible to fulfill one's obligation of Hallel if one doesn't know the words by having someone else read it for him? What difference does it make if the person reciting it for him is a man, or a woman, a Canaanite slave or a minor? Raba brings all kinds of customs of Hillel from which it is possible to learn different laws of the recitation of Hillel. One who hears one recite a blessing, it is as if one answered amen/recited it by oneself. From where is this learned?

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