Sukkah 40 - August 16, 8 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The gemara concludes from the previous discussion that a lulav has sanctity of the shmita year, k’dushat shviit. A difficulty is raised - why should there be a k’dushat shviit in a lulav if it appears in a braita that leaves of a tree do not have k’dushat shviit if they are not collected for eating? The answer is that there is a difference between the trees who provide enjoyment after they are destroyed and the lulav whose enjoyment is at the same time as its destruction (same as produce that is eaten). There is controversy over this point about whether trees not collected for eating would have k’dushat shviit. For what needs can a k’dushat shviit fruit be used – how do Tana Kama and Rabbi Yossi disagree on this matter? Rabbi Elazar and Rabbi Yochanan disagree regarding passing on sanctification of shmita produce to other items – money, other foods, etc. Is it done only by a sale or also by redeeming it (like second tithes)? The gemara brings the reason behind each opinion and also braitot to support each opinion.

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