Sukkah 49 - August 25, 17 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Sukkah 49 Today's daf is sponsored by Amy Cohn on the yahrzeit of her father Rav Dov Chaim ben Zeev z"l "who taught all his five daughters Talmud and the love of Torah. "Abballe: Since I started doing daf yomi with Rabanit Michelle I am reminded of many of your teachings and feel your presence." And a refuah shleima for Ashira bat Ilana Shoshana who is undergoing surgery today and Gavriel Moshe Ben Tzivia. And refuah shleima to Barel Achiya ben Nitza.  The shitin, drainpipes that were under the altar where the libation would be poured into, were already created in the creation of the world by God or by man? What verses imply that they were created in the six days of creation? To those who hold it was made by God, it descended into the depths of the earth. To Rabbi Elazar bar Tzadok who held it was manmade, it has a floor. There was a marble tablet that cover up a hole in the ground where the wine would stop.  Occasionally a young kohen would clean out coagulated wine that remained there and would be taken out and burned in sanctity. Why did it need to be burned? The mishna states that laws of meila do not apply to the libations once it is in the drainpipe. Is this mishna stated according to Rabbi Elazar bar Tzadok or the rabbis? According to Reish Lakish they stopped up the drainpipes when they poured the wine to make it overflow to show satiation. Drashot are brought on the verses from the Song of Songs 7:2 that was quoted earlier as referring to the drainpipes. Now it is explained to relate to the pilgrimage to Jerusalem on the holidays. Another braita learns from this verse the importance of learning Torah with humility. Rabbi Elazar brings a drasha from another verse, teaching the same concept and he then brings several other drashot explaining the significance of going act of kindness, charity, justice, etc. He says that acts of kindness are more important than charity – why? What are the differences between then? He also explains what is meant by Torat chesed – two versions of what he said are brought.  

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