Sukkah 52 - Shabbat August 28, 20 Elul

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Judy Shapiro for the 8th yahrzeit of her mother Deera Tychman, Tzvia Bracha bat Mordechai v'Chaya Tova. "I hope my mother's neshama is uplifted by my study of Torah and Daf Yomi." How did they build a new structure for separating the men and women? Doesn't the Temple have to be built exactly the way it was handed down by tradition? The rabbis derived it from a verse in Zacharia which describes how the people will separate from each other during a great funeral that will be held in the future. Whose funeral? It is either the Meshaich who descends from Joseph or the evil inclination. Why would there be a funeral when God will "kill" the evil inclination? The gemara brings many statements regarding the evil inclination - how strong is it and how does it strengthen over time, by what names is it called, who has a bigger one, how often does it appear? Learning Torah is an antidote. God helps us also to overcome it. How are the four craftsmen described in Zecharia? Who are the seven shepherds and eight princes described in Micha? The gemara delves into the description in the mishna of the children of the kohanim who lit the lamps - how much oil did each of them carry?

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