Taanit 13 - November 25, 21 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 13 Today’s daf is sponsored by Bill and Shira Futornick in loving memory of their grandmother and great-grandmother Ruth, Rivka Rach bat Chaim Tzvi z”l, on her 39th yahrzeit. “She lost her husband at an early age and raised two daughters as a single mom. Grandma Ruth was the embodiment of kindness and chutzpah.” Today’s daf is also sponsored by Naama Livner in loving memory of Gladis Livner, a loving mother and grandmother. “She learned Torah with love and dedication. She moved to Israel with her family and built a tribe. She loved Israel, the nation and Torah.” Today’s daf is also sponsored by Tova and Tzvi Sinensky in loving memory of Aunt Bracha - Gloria Mehler. “She would have been overjoyed by the numbers of women who are studying daf yomi. She continues to inspire us to learn and educate our daughters and make them feel like full participants in our Mesorah." What is the schedule on the public fast days - what needs to be done, when? Rav Chisda is quoted as saying that when washing is prohibited on account of mourning, one is prohibited to wash in warm or cold water but when one is prohibited to wash due to avoiding pleasure, such as on public fasts, one is permitted to wash in cold water. Several sources are brought to either support Rav Chisda's statement or to raise a question against it. In one version of Rava's statement, he is quoted as saying a mourner is permitted to bathe in cold water. A source is brought to question Rava and an additional one to provide support for Rava's opinion. A different version of Rava's statement says the opposite, that he holds that a mourner is forbidden to bathe in hot water. A source is brought to try to prove this version. There is a debate where the prayer of Aneinu is added to the prayers by an individual who accepted upon oneself a fast. Is it a separate blessing or is it added to the blessing of "shomea tefilla"?

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