Taanit 15 - Shabbat November 27, 23 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

How do the prayers work during the last set of fasts? The Ark is taken into the street - why? Ashes are placed on the heads of the leaders and then the people also put on their own heads. An elder gets up and stresses how God isn't interested in our fasts and sackcloth but in our actions. There are criteria for choosing who will lead the prayers. An extra six blessings are added into the shmoneh esreh prayer and the shofar is sounded for each extra blessing. What is said in the body of each blessing and how does each blessing end? In the time of Rabbi Chalafta and Rabbi Chanina ben Tradion, the people answered as they did in the Temple instead of answering amen is as done outside the Temple and the rabbis were not pleased with this. What are the rules regarding fasting for the Kohanim who are on duty to work in the temple that week when the fast comes out? What else are they prohibited to do on the week that they are working on the Temple. What exceptions are made? The dates mentioned in Megillat Taanit - can one fast the day before or after? On what does it depend and what are the different opinions? Fasts always are scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays but each set begins on a Monday, never on a Thursday - why? If fasts are declared and later they realize that one of the dates falls Rosh Chodesh or Chanuka or Purim, do they still fast? The Gemara discusses the placing of the ashes and why it is done in that order and in the particular manner discussed in the Mishna? 

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