Taanit 16 - November 28, 24 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Why is the Ark taken out to the streets? Several answers are given. Why are ashes placed on the heads of the leaders and on the heads of the people? If there is no elder, who makes the speech to encourage people to repent? Does an elder mean someone who is also a scholar? The speech includes mention of the people of Ninveh who repented. How did they repent? If someone repents without changing one's actions, it is like going to the mikveh with a sheretz in one's hand. What exactly are the criteria for the leader of the prayers? A discussion ensues about the exact text of the six additional blessings and also an addition is made to the blessing before the additions ('the redeemer of Israel'). What was done in the Temple differently? 

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