Taanit 17 - November 29, 25 Kislev, 1st Day of Chanukah

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This week’s daf is sponsored by Rivka and Martin Himmel for the week of Chanuka.  Today’s daf is sponsored by Carol Robinson and Arthur Gould in loving memory of Carol’s father Louis Robinson, Yehuda Leib ben Moshe, z”l. “Today – the first day of Hanukah – we mark his 22nd yahrtzeit. Lou was devoted to his family and his synagogue. We love him and miss him very much.” The language of some of the blessing is a subject of debate. What are the issues? What are the differences regarding laws such as not drinking wine for Kohanim whose rotation in the Temple is that week or who are part of the family that works on that particular day? The same laws apply even if the Kohanim do not come to the Temple or seemingly, even nowadays that there is no Temple. Why? What are the laws for someone who no longer knows what is the week he is supposed to be there - is he ever permitted to drink wine? How often does a king of a High Priest get a haircut? What are the issues regarding cutting hair for regular kohanim? Details are derived from the laws of the nazir. Are these laws still applicable today? From where are the laws of cutting hair and not drinking wine derived? Is there a reason to distinguish between them nowadays? Megillat Taanit specifies days one cannot eulogize. Rabbi Yosi holds that the day before and after are also forbidden. Two cases of a range of days mentioned in Megillat Taanit are quoted 1-8 of Nissan and 8-end of Pesach. Several questions are raised against these cases.

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