Taanit 18 - November 30, 26 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A number of aspects regarding the days mentioned in Megillat Taanit in the month of Nissan need clarification. Why is there an overlap of days? Regarding the debate in the Mishna about whether the days before or after are also days on which one cannot fast, who do we hold like? Different opinions are brought. Rabbi Yochanan is quoted as ruling on this issue like Rabbi Yosi. However, this seems to contradict an unattributed Mishna and it is known that Rabbi Yochanan always holds by unattributed Mishnayot. How is that resolved? In the context of all these discussions, several other days listed in Megillat Taanit come up and the Gemara explains why these days were days for celebration. The third chapter begins with a description of other calamities that would be reason to declare a fast. However, there is no waiting period for those, as there is by the rains. 

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