Taanit 21 - December 3, 29 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Rabbi Yochanan and Ilfa struggled with trying to learn in the Beit Midrash and also make a living. Ilfa chose to leave the Beit Midrash and get a job and Rabbi Yochanan, after overhearing a conversation among angels, decided to stay in the Beit Midrash. When Ilfa returned to the Beit Midrash, Rabbi Yochanan has become the head of the yeshiva and Ilfa wondered if he made the right decision and came up with a test to see. Stories about Nahum ish Gamzu are brought - he would always say, "This too is for the best." The first story is similar to stories from Taanit 20 as it concerns a wall that was about to collapse. What are the different opinions regarding the numbers for what constitutes pestilence for which fasts need to be instituted? Rav Nachman son of Rav Chisda begged Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak to move to live near him but he was not interested. There were some cities plagued by pestilence or fire but a certain neighborhood was spared. They thought it was due to an important rabbi living among them but that was not the case - it was on account of simple people who helped others in the community. In what cases does one need to be concerned that a calamity in a nearby city will possibly reach them as well? Abba the bloodletter would receive greetings from the yeshiva in the heavens daily, Abaye would receive every erev Shabbat, and Rava on erev Yom Kippur. What did Abba the bloodletter do in his life that merited this honor? Abaye was jealous of this. 

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