Taanit 22 - Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Tevet, December 4, 30 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Abaye is jealous of Abba the bloodletter and sends messengers to test him and see if he is really as good a person as he seems. Rava was jealous of Abaye as he heard from the yeshiva in the heavens once a week and Rava only once a year. Rabbi Broka meets Eliyahu in the market and asks him to point out people who are going to merit life in the World to Come. Eliyahu points out people who don’t exactly look the part and Rabbi Broka talks to them to find out what deeds they have done on account of which they are worthy. If a wild animal acts in an unusual manner, that is cause for instituting fasts, but if it is the usual manner, then they do not. What is considered un/usual? If one comes to the city with a sword, one declares fasts, even if it is a sword of peace as in the story of Pharoah Necho and Yoshiyahu as described in Chronicles 2 Chapter 35. The Gemara delves in more detail into the cases of the Mishna regarding blight, a case where wolves ate 2 children, on what issues one calls out in prayer on Shabbat, and the debate regarding pestilence on Shabbat. Why are we not allowed to pray if there is too much rain? Is there an exception to this rule?

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