Taanit 23 - Rosh Chodesh Tevet, December 5, 1 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This month’s daf is sponsored by Minneapolis Hadran group in memory of the father of their organizer Shira Krebs. “Shira’s father Jerry Katz, Gershon Pinya ben Yitzchak Lev haCohen z”l, loved learning and family beyond all else. He raised three daughters and a son to be dedicated to Torah learning, And his legacy lives on not only through his family, but through our Hadran Minneapolis group as well. He passed away two weeks ago, and he will be greatly missed”.  Today's daf is sponsored by Ellen Golub in loving memory of Ruth Calish Weiss on her first yahrzeit. "Ruth was a pillar of strength to Israel and the Jewish people. She was an inspiration to daughter Debra (& Robert) Finkel, and grandchildren, Max, Hannah & Aliya.   Today’s daf is also sponsored by Mindy and Eric Hecht and family in loving memory of Mindy’s father, Dr. Charles Feldman, Yitzchak Tzvi Ben Yaakov v’Leah, on the 10th yahrzeit, which was on the second night of Chanukah. “We miss him dearly and know that he would have loved to be part of this great learning endeavor.” Today's daf is also dedicated from myself and the Hadran Zoomers to Sharon Russ on the sudden loss of her mother on Shabbat. Our thoughts are with you.  Rain on Tuesday nights and Friday nights is considered a good thing as people are generally not on the streets on those nights – why? A different version of the story of Honi the Circle Maker is brought. Another Honi story is told regarding Honi’s surprise when he saw a man planting a carob tree when the fruits will only grow after 70 years and he will not even see the fruits of his labor. Honi ends up sleeping for 70 years and awakening to seeing the grandson of the person who planted the trees enjoying the fruits. When he goes to see what happened to his family, no one recognizes him. In the Beit Midrash as well, he is unrecognizable, even though his magical powers still seem to be prevalent. He dies out of sadness. Stories are also told of Honi’s grandchildren and their role in also bringing rain. What is the difference between the strong ones of Israel and the pious ones of Babylonia? Other stories of told of Rabbi Yona and his son Rabbi Mani and the strength of their prayers.

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