Taanit 26 - December 8, 4 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 26 Today’s daf is sponsored by Geri Goldstein Guedalia in loving memory of her mother, Helen Saipe, Tzippa Hinda bat Avraham v’Devora Draza on her shloshim. Today’s daf is also sponsored by David and Jael Eichin on behalf of their daughter's first birthday. "Mazal Tov to our wonderful daughter Maayan Rachel. One year ago today you joined us in this world on the eve of the ninth day of Chanuka, as we now call it. This past year has been a journey of so much joy, awe to HaKadosh Baruch Hu, amazement, fun, and exhaustion. Even while you were still in my tummy, you got to hear the wonderful Michelle Farber. And in the first few months after you were born, we learned the daf together. May Torah be a guide to you and Derech Eretz your way of life. We love you and are immensely happy to be your parents. Thank you Michelle Farber for your amazing work!" If it rains on the day of a fast, is Hallel to be recited before or after the people eat? On what does it depend? On public fasts, Yom Kippur and the prayers recited by the maamadTheot, rotations of people who prayed that the sacrificed would be accepted, the kohanim bless the people four times – shacharit, musaf, mincha and neila. Why were there maamadot? What was the Torah reading that the people who were in the maamadot would read on each day of the week when they were on duty? What days of the year were there no prayers are Torah reading of the maamadot or they were limited to certain prayers? There were nine days a year that were celebratory days for certain families as they would donate wood to the Temple on those days. The Mishna lists which family brought on which day. On those days the maamadot were also limited somewhat and were not said in either mincha or musaf (subject of debate between Rabbi Akiva and Ben Azai). Five tragic events happened on the 17th of Tamuz and five on Tisha B’av. What were they? What are things that should be limited from Rosh Chodesh Av, the week of Tisha B’av and erev Tisha B’av in the afternoon? The happiest days of the year were the fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur. Why? The Mishna had stated that there are three days where the kohanim bless the people in four tefillot. However, this is not so accurate as on some of those days there is no musaf. How is this resolved? In addition, there is a debate about whether the kohanim bless the people in both mincha and neila. What is at the root of the debate? Who do we hold like? From where do we derive that a kohen who is drunk cannot bless the people? From the nazir.

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