Taanit 27 - December 9, 5 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 27 Today’s daf is sponsored by Judi Felber on the third yartzeit of Yovel MorYosef and Yossi Cohen, who were killed in a terror attack at Givat Assaf and for the continued refuah sheleima of her son, Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzpora, who was critically injured in the attack.  Today’s daf is sponsored by Patti Evans in loving memory of her mother, Gloria Weisman's, first yahrzeit. “My mother loved that I was learning Daf Yomi, and always wished she had been able to learn more in her almost 99 years. She loved being Jewish and celebrated life each and every day. Her indomitable spirit is sorely missed by us all.” Today's daf is also sponsored by Sylvia Simmons in loving memory of Pessy Simmons, Pessy bat Eliyahu Yitschak v'Rachel Leah. “Pessy - who inspired many with her enquiring mind and lifelong love of Jewish learning – would admire the growing community of female Talmud learners.”  Is the prohibition for kohanim to bless the people while drunk derived from laws of nazir or from a juxtaposition in the verse Devraim 10:8 between serving in the Temple and blessing the people? Why were the maamadot instituted? A braita states that 24 mishmarot of kohanim were in Israel and 12 were in Jericho. Does that mean there were 36!? And what exactly is meant in Israel/in Jericho? Kohanim and levites are essential for sacrifices. Are the maamadot also? What about the musical instruments? Is the important part of the music the voices or the instruments? Moshe set up eight rotations of kohanim but a different source says sixteen. Also, there are contradictory statements about how and when it became twenty-four. Which families of kohanim that were in the first Temple came back to Israel when the second Temple was built and served there as well. Why do we read the Torah portion of the creation of the world during the maamadot? The people in the maamadot would fast from Monday-Thursday of that week. Regarding the Torah portion, in a case where there are five verses in one part (one day of creation) and three in the other, the three are all read on one Aliya. But there is a debate between Rav and Shmuel regarding the five - is one verse is repeated in both aliyot or split in half, as one must read a minimum of three verses for each aliya. Difficulties are raised against the different opinions.

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