Taanit 28 - December 10, 6 Tevet

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 28 Today’s daf is sponsored by Sharon Raanan in loving memory of Menachem Yitzchak Ben Shaul and Susan Bat Rachel. Today’s daf is also sponsored by Karen Kosowsky in loving memory of her mother, Elaine Ackerman, Esther Masha bat Aharon “She always loved learning and would have loved to be a part of the Hadran community.”   In which prayers of the maamadot would they read the Torah from a Torah scroll and in which would they read it by heart in the way they recited Shema. This depends on how to punctuate a line in the Mishna. Why are there differences regarding days where they skipped a prayer or more than one prayer of the maamadot between a day when there is Musaf and a day where there is a wood sacrifice? Why would they bring wood sacrifices? Who are the people mentioned in the Mishna by the name of those who deceived with a pestle and those who packed dried figs? These were people who were able to trick the authorities who didn't allow the Jews to bring wood and their first fruits to the Temple. Also, the Bnei Salmai did something similar to sneak in wood. Who were Pechat Moav ben Yehuda and Adin ben Yehuda - some say they were descendants of David and some say from Yoav ben Tzruya, David's nephew. According to which opinion does our Mishna hold?  Mar Kashisha asks Rav Ashi why does Musaf not override only its maamad, as with Hallel which only overrides the morning service? Rav Ashi answers that Rabbi Yosi holds that way.  The Mishna mentions the first of Tevet as a day that has all three - Hallel, musaf and wood sacrifice. What about the first of Nissan as well? It is inferred from here that Hallel on Rosh Chodesh is only a custom and that is why certain sections are omitted. On what days is Hallel recited by law? What was the order of events/dates from the receiving the Torah that would have the 17th of Tamuz be the day the tablets were broken? The Tamid sacrifice was canceled on 17 of Tamuz - that is learned by tradition. The city walls were breached on 17 Tamuz - wasn't it on the 9th according to the book of Yimriyahu (Jeremiah)? It must be referring to the Second Temple. From where do we derive that the Torah was burned on that day as well and an idol was placed in the Temple?

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