Taanit 5 - November 17, 13 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 5 Today’s daf is sponsored by Rhona Fink in loving memory of her brother Elliot Laxer, Yisrael Tzvi ben Malca v'Chayim whose 13th Yartzeit is today. May his memory continue to be a blessing.  Today’s daf is also sponsored by Audrey Mondrow in loving memory of Irving “Poppy” Mauskopf. Yechezkel Ben Avraham and Rachel. “A man who exemplifies 'Who is rich? One who is content with his lot' coupled with his complete Emunah in good and difficult times. May his neshama have an Aliyah.” The Mishna brings up a dispute between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda as to until what date to ask for the rains - until the end of Pesach or until the end of the month of Nisan? This is contrary to the opinion that was brought in the previous Mishna of Rabbi Yehuda - until the first day of Pesach. Rav Nachman asked Rabbi Yitzchak six questions on various topics - the first refers to a verse they quoted in the Mishnah as proof of Rabbi Meir's opinion (or perhaps as proof of both opinions). In each question, Rabbi Yitzchak answers from the words of his rabbi, Rabbi Yochanan. In addition to the six questions, there are also three other cases where they were together and the Gemara tells of the conversation that took place. In one story, when they were eating and Rav Nachman asks for a dvar Torah from Rabbi Yitzchak, he tells him that one should not talk while eating as one may choke. In the third story, Rabbi Yitzchak blesses Rav Nachman that all his descendants will be like him - and told him a parable about a man - who was thirsty and tired and rested and drank under the tree that has a stream right beside it, and when he left he wanted to bless the tree and said, "Tree, tree, what will I bless you with?" After all, the tree has everything! He blessed the tree that all saplings that grow from the tree, be just like the tree.

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