Taanit 7 - November 19, 15 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Taanit 7 Today’s daf is sponsored by Meir & Ahuva Balofsky in loving memory of Meir's father, Yosef Menachem ben Reuven v'Shoshana. Today’s daf is also sponsored by Rabbi Lee Wax in loving memory of her beloved mother's first yahrzeit, Myrna Wax z”l, Merna Miriam bat David v'Tzipporah. “Her stone-setting is also today. A woman of strength, courage, wisdom and love, who I miss. May her memory always be for a blessing.” The Gemara brings several articles on the importance of a rainy day - like the day of the resurrection of the dead, the day in which Torah was given, the day heaven and earth were created or perhaps even greater than those days. Following the mention of a verse in the context of the day the Torah was given, the Gemara deviates from the subject to discussing Talmud scholars and comparing between one who studies Torah and has proper behavior and one who studies Torah and does not. Or one who studies Torah for its own sake, lishma (or for the sake of God), and one who does not study Torah lishma. It is important to study Torah together with others - the Gemara brings various statements by rabbis that prove this matter from verses and also stressing that teachers can learn not only from their teachers and colleagues but also from their disciples and actually can learn more from them than from others. The Torah flourishes only in one whose mind is humble and this is explained in a story about Rabbi Yehoshua with the emperor's daughter where she asked him why he has so much wisdom if he is so ugly. He told her that good things are stored in ugly vessels because of the importance of humility. When does it rain? When the iniquities of the people were forgiven. For what reasons does God not bring rain? There are all different answers brought that say there are specific sins that cause rains to stop. What should be done if there is no rain? Pray!

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