Taanit 8 - Shabbat November 20, 16 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Racheli Mendelson in loving memory of her mother Shoshana bat Shraga feibel and Rivka. “Studying was a big part of her life right until her last moments. She learned Gemara even when women did not think about studying Gemara and taught us to love Torah. May her memory be a blessing.” After connecting a verse from Kohelet 10:10 to rains not coming, another explanation is brought connecting that verse to Torah scholars and the importance of studying properly is stressed, as well as the importance of teacher treating one's students properly. What should be done if the people don't pray properly for rains to come? Who is the right type of person whose prayers will be heard and how important is intent in prayer? God is stricter with those who adhere strictly to God. When the rains are stopped it is likened to labor pains. The Gemara brings three words that are used to describe a woman in childbirth or getting pregnant and rain. One cannot pray for two things at the same time so if there is a famine and a plague, what should one pray for? Why can one not pray for two things at one time? There was a time when fasts were prohibited by the gentile authorities. What did Rabbi Zeira suggest to do when there were no rains? On what basis? Rain is not always a good thing as sometimes it makes things inconvenient for people. Miracles can only happen in a place that is hidden from the eye. Another reason why God doesn't bring the rains is when people say they will give charity, but they don't.

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