Taanit 9 - November 21, 17 Kislev

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

This week's daf is sponsored by Pamela Kaplan in loving memory of the 17th yahrzeit of her father, David Kaplan, David Abba ben Aharon. Today’s daf is sponsored by Betsy and Tevie Mehlman in loving memory of Gitel Leah bat Moshe David (Gloria Mehlman) on her yahrzeit yesterday (16th Kislev). May her memory be blessed. Today’s daf is also sponsored anonymously in loving memory of Avraham ben Victoria. Today's daf is also sponsored in loving memory of my grandfather, Joseph Cohen, Yosef ben Moshe HaKohen z"l on his yahrzeit.  Rabbi Yochanan engages in a discussion with his nephew, Reish Lakish’s son, about the importance of giving charity and how giving charity causes one to become wealthy. Rabbi Yochanan tells him that one can even test God on this matter, even though in general one is not allowed to test God. Another statement of Rabbi Yochanan is that God brings rain for individuals, whereas God will only bring sustenance for the community. A difficulty is raised on this from a braita that talks about the well that was brought in Miriam’s merit, the cloud for Aharon, and the manna for Moshe. As manna is sustenance, how was it brought for the merit of one individual? When Rava died and Rav Papa took over, he was sensitive to those who either did not always agree with his opinions or raised questions that he couldn’t always answer. Sometimes God brings rain not only just for one individual but for one very specific area in a specific field. When it drizzles before the rain or after the rain, what does that tell of what is to come? When Ulla arrived in Babylonia, he saw the clouds porchot, thin ones under thick ones, which is a sign that the rain will come. He told everyone to bring everything inside as the rain was coming. When no rain came, he was embarrassed and said how the rains in Babylonia lie just as the Babylonians lie. He further criticized them for not learning enough Torah when they have such an abundance of good dates. He was also proven wrong about that as the dates he ate made him sick. Does the rainwater come from the ocean or from the heavens? This is a debate between Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua.    

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