Yevamot 10 - Purim, March 17, 14 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 10 Presentation in PDF format Today's daf is sponsored by Elisheva Gray. "Purim Sameach to Rabbanit Michelle, all of the Hadran teachers and staff and to my fellow students. Todah rabah, Rabbanit Michelle, for all of the joy and learning you bring to our lives. In the spirit of Queen Esther, perhaps this wonderful journey through Talmud together is our collective way of strengthening and perpetuating our faith and traditions. Purim Sameach to all!" Several different explanations are brought to explain Rebbi's reaction to Levi and why it was clear to him that there are only 15 cases in the Mishna and no more. Levi in the end stays with his opinion and explains why there are really 16 cases. Reish Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan disagree about a case where a woman does chalitza to one of the brothers. On what account is she forbidden to the brother she did chalitza with and the other brothers?  

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