Yevamot 103 - Shabbat June 18, 19 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

What types of shoes can be used for chalitza? What are the different opinions? In what situations with a defect in one’s feet/legs can a person not do chalitza? The laws for going to the Temple on the holidays seem to be different than the laws here – why? Why does the halacha distinguish between a leg cut off by the thigh and one cut off by the shin? Several verses in the Torah are brought to show that legs could also refer to the upper part of the leg, however, they are mostly understood to be used as euphemisms and therefore not relevant to the discussion. The verse relating to Yael’s seduction of Sisra is mentioned and a question is asked about her actions. One can use a shoe that isn’t his own – but it is not ideal. What is the best way to do it? Two versions are brought about Rava’s opinion regarding a leprous shoe – if it is used for chalitza, it is valid?

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