Yevamot 11 - Shushan Purim, March 18, 15 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 11 This week's daf is sponsored by Ira and Natanya Slomowitz for the refuah shleima of Dvora Diener, Dvora Rachel bat Ahuva and Harav Shlomo. Today's learning is sponsored by Hadran Women of Long Island in honor of Hadran and Rabbanit Michelle for her leadership in furthering Talmud study and for inspiring us Long Island learners. We are not only virtual chevrutot, we have also become chaverot! Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish disagreed about the status of a woman compared to the other brothers in a case where after she did chalitza with one of the brothers, is she forbidden to the others as their brother's wife, punishable by karet or is it only a negative commandment from "he did not build his brother's legacy" and therefore can no longer marry her. The braita that was brought by Rabbi Yochanan to raise a difficulty with Reish Lakish, but also had a line in there that was difficult for Rabbi Yochanan is explained in two different ways in order to align it with each opinion. To do this, they need to explain that the braita was a case of a brother that was not yet alive and each can be explained according to a different opinion in the debate between Rabbi Shimon and the rabbis regarding that case. What is the punishment if one brother did a levirate marriage with one wife and another married the second wife? Rav Acha and Ravina disagree and their opinions align with Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish. A second wife of a woman who committed adultery is exempt from yibum. This is derived from the word "impurity" used by the Torah for a sotah, which puts it in the category of arayot, forbidden relationships. Two questions are raised against Rav and are resolved. Rav Yehuda asked Rav Sheshet regarding the second wife of a woman who was divorced, married someone else in between and then remarried the first husband and he died without children. Would the second wife be exempt from yibum on account of the fact that the first wife was not allowed to be married to her husband, like the adulterer in the previous case? First it is explained according to what opinion is the question asked. Then they try to answer the question from two different sources, but are unsuccessful. Rabbi Yochanan asks the same question as well and two different versions of his question are brought.

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