Yevamot 114 - June 29, 30 Sivan, 1st Day of Rosh Chodesh Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format A story is told of a case where they lost the keys to the Beit Midrash and they needed to carry keys on Shabbat from the public domain in order to open the Beit Midrash. They sent children to go to that area, intending for them to notice the keys and bring them. The rabbi who suggested this must hold that the courts are not commanded to prevent minors from transgressing. The Gemara brings eleven different tannaitic sources in an attempt to support or reject this opinion, however, each source can be explained in a way that would not allow us to infer from there that the court is/is not commanded to prevent minors from transgressing. If a couple went abroad and she comes back and says he has died, under what circumstances do we believe/not believe her?

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