Yevamot 117 - Shabbat July 2, 3 Tamuz

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

A woman is believed to say that her husband died in order to remarry. But can she also get her ketuba money? On what does it depend? There are certain female relatives that are not trusted to testify about the death of one’s husband as there is enmity between them and they may testify falsely in order to ensure she will have to get divorced from her husband. Is there more than just the one listed in the Mishna? And if so, why are they not listed? The Mishna lists a number of cases where contradictory testimony came in regarding the death of the husband. In which cases do we allow her to marry? In which cases do we make her get divorced if she married based on the first testimony that was later contradicted?

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