Yevamot 12 - Shabbat March 19, 17 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation The Gemara attempts unsuccessfully to answer the question of Rabbi Yochanan about whether yibum is permitted for a wife (or her tzara) who returned to her first husband after divorce (after being married to someone in the interim) and he died without children? The tzara of one who did "miun" (refusal) to her yabam (the brother with whom she was supposed to do yibum) is forbidden according to Shmuel to do yibum. To who is she forbidden - all the brothers or just the one who was 'refused'? Rav Asi ruled that the second wife of an aylonit is forbidden to do yibum. Two questions are raised against him. In the end, the Gemara brings the halacha regarding the last number of cases discussed and permits the tzarot (second wives) to do yibum. Rav Bivi brings a braita regarding three women who can use birth control - a minor, a pregnant woman and a nursing woman - each for different reasons. Regarding the reason for the minor, the Gemara questions this based on our Mishna. 

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