Yevamot 14 - March 21, 18 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 14 Today’s daf is sponsored by Nancy Kolodny in honor of her daughter-in-law and chevruta Lisa Kolodny on her birthday, and in honor of all the women and men of the Hadran community.  Reish Lakish questions: When the Megilla is read on different days in different cities, why is it not a concern of "lo titgoddo" - splitting the people into different factions? Rabbi Yochanan engaged in a debate with Reish Lakish wondering why he didn't mention other Mishnayot to question from there as well. One of the examples brought is our Mishna regarding the debate between Beit Hillel and Beit Shamai. Reish Lakish answers regarding that one that Beit Shamai actually didn't act upon their opinion and therefore there was no issue of factions. Rabbi Yochanan disagrees and holds that they did. If in fact Beit Shamai did go according to their opinion, according to Rabbi Yochanan, why is there not an issue of factions? The Gemara raised two questions on Reish Lakish regarding the issue of factions. Then they bring two different sources to try to determine whether or not Beit Shamai acted according to their opinion.

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