Yevamot 16 - March 23, 20 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by both Hadran and the Schoor family in loving memory of Julia Koschitzky. “Her contributions to the Jewish world and Torah learning are innumerable and her presence will be missed.”  Today’s daf is sponsored by Rabbi Raymond Harari in honor of Vicky's special birthday and her studying many massekhtot together with Rabbanit Michelle.  Today's daf is dedicated to Ruth Leah bat Kadima Kahan for a refuah shleima. We, your Hadran chevrutot, look forward to seeing you as you get stronger and return to learning on your treadmill as you advance in the miles of daf yomi!  A final source is brought to prove that the followers of Beit Shamai acted upon his opinion. It is a story of Rabbi Dosa ben Harkinas who was suspected of having ruled like Beit Shamai and permitted the tzara of an erva to do yibum. When the rabbis confront him about this, he explains that it is his sharp "satanic" brother who holds that way and not him. He holds like Beit Hillel, which is rooted in a tradition from Chagai the prophet. He mentions two other laws taught by Chagai - the land of Amon and Moav is not subject to laws of shemita as the sanctity of the conquest of Joshua did not last beyond the first exile and therefore they would bring the tithe for the poor in the shemita year to help the needy. And the people from Kardiom and Tarmod are accepted as converts and there is no reason to suspect that they are Jews and could possibly be mamzerim. Rabbi Yochanan and Savia (possibly elders) did not accept converts from Tarmod - why not? Did Rabbi Yochanan really hold this way? If a gentile marries a Jewish woman, do we have to be concerned that he is possibly Jewish and the marriage is a valid marriage?

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