Yevamot 18 - March 25, 22 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation Study Guide Yevamot 18 Today's daf is sponsored in honor of Nachshon Shwartz on his Bar Mitzvah. Mazal tov to Pam and Yoav and all of his grandparents, aunts and uncles.  This week's learning is sponsored by Rena and Mark Goldstein in loving memory of Moe Septee on the occasion of his 25th yahrzeit. "He presented the Beatles and brought Yentl to Broadway. But, he would be most proud of the fact that his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are all committed Jews."  To what extent is there a connection (zika, meaning it is as if they were married) between the potential man and woman that are supposed to engage in yibum? Rav Huna in the name of Rav and Rav Yehuda disagree about this issue. Two questions are raised against Rav Yehuda who held that there is zika. Both questions are resolved. His opinion is attributed to Shmuel. Shmuel in fact had two instances in which he expressed this opinion - why were both necessary? The Mishna brings a debate between Rabbi Shimon and the rabbis about a case where the husband died and after yibum was performed, a third brother was born. Rabbi Shimon permits that brother. Did Rabbi Shimon disagree with the rabbis if the brother was born after the death of the first husband in any case where the brother was born after the death of the first husband or only if he was born after the yibum? Rabbi Oshaya holds that he disagrees about both, based on the principle that zika is strong – it is as if they are already married. Rav Yosef questions him by showing from other sources that Rabbi Shimon is in doubt whether zika and maamar are considered strong enough to connect her to the yabam?

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