Yevamot 19 - Shabbat March 26, 23 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format. Study Guide Yevamot 19 Did Rabbi Shimon disagree with the rabbis about an issue of a brother born after the death of the first husband in any case where the brother was born after the death of the first husband or only if he was born after the yibum of the brother to the first brother’s wife? Rabbi Oshaya holds that he disagrees about both, based on the principle that zika is strong – as if they are already married. Rav Yosef questions him by showing from other sources that Rabbi Shimon is in doubt whether zika and maamar are considered strong enough to connect her to the yabam? Abaye tries to answer the difficulty but his answer is rejected and the question against Rabbi Oshaya stands. Rav Oshaya raises another question against Rabbi Oshaya but the question is resolved. Rav Papa explains that Rabbi Shimon only disagreed with the rabbis in a case where first yibum was performed and then the child was born. A braita is brought to prove his opinion. After proving Rav Papa’s approach, the Gemara delves into different parts of the braita to explain them. What is the basis for the disagreement between the rabbis and Rabbi Shimon?

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