Yevamot 32 - April 8, Nissan 7

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 32 Presentation in PDF format Today’s daf is sponsored by Belinda Kreike in loving memory of Esther Kreike, Esther Bas Yehuda Nossan Hacohen on her 8th yahrzeit. “She is remembered fondly by her family in Manchester and Israel.” Today's daf is sponsored by Judy Baumel-Schwartz in honor of her daughter, Beki's birthday! "I am constantly amazed by her enthusiasm for learning new things, and am thrilled that she has joined the Hadran Daf Yomi community. May all her dreams come true. Happy Birthday!"  If a woman does maamar in order to subsequently fulfill yibum with her deceased husband's brother, and then he dies, can she do yibum with a third brother? The rabbis say no as she is falling to yibum from two different men and this is not permitted. Rabbi Shimon permits as he does not view maamer as significant and therefore she is only performing yibum for her first husband. What if the husband undoes the maamar by giving a get, is she then permitted according to the rabbis or not? If two brothers marry two sisters and after the first brother dies childless, the sister married to the other brother dies. The first one's wife cannot do yibum as she was prohibited at the time she fell to yibum. Why is this Mishna mentioned - we already learned this in the Mishna on Yevamot 30?! If one has relations with a woman who is both his brother's wife and his wife's sister, is he obligated on two counts or one? Rabbi Shimon says one, Rabbi Yosi holds two. But elsewhere Rabbi Yosi says one only receives one punishment even if there were two transgressions as a prohibition cannot apply when there is another prohibition already there. How can we resolve this? Two answers are brought. Rabbi Avahu holds that Rabbi Yosi only holds this way in the case of issur mosif and not in the case of issur kollel. Rava explains it differently. Is this a source of debate among tannaim as well?

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