Yevamot 33 - Shabbat April 9, 8 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

There are three different interpretations brought to explain what the issue of debate was between Rabbi Chiya and Bar Kapara in the three cases in the braita. Were they debating whether issur chal al issur regarding an issur kollel according to Rabbi Yosi? Or was it regarding a case when both prohibitions came about at the same time and according to Rabbi Yosi? Or both at the same time, but according to Rabbi Shimon? The Gemara analyzes the different options and rejects the first two. What is the Shabbat prohibition in the case of a non-kohen who works in the Temple on Shabbat? If two men betrothed two women and they switched them after the kiddushin, what happens if each one takes home the other’s wife? The Gemara establishes that the Mishna must have been referring to a case where it was unintentional.

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