Yevamot 36 - April 12, 11 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 36 Today's daf is sponsored by Gitta Jaroslawicz-Neufeld "Thank you to my Hadran family for your care and concern after my recent accident. May we all share Smachot in good health!"  After rejecting Abaye's resolution to the difficulty against Rabbi Yochanan's position regarding yibum and chalitza of a pregnant woman, Rava answers the difficulty in a different manner. A braita is brought to support his position, which is then used to question Reish Lakish's position. That difficulty is resolved as well. Rabbi Elazar finds a Mishna that supports Reish Lakish's position, however, the support is rejected by the Gemara. A braita is brought to strengthen Reish Lakish's opinion and Rava paskens like Reish Lakish on this issue and on two others, relating to monetary law. Our Mishna said that if the child was not viable, then the couple could stay married. Rabbi Eliezer disagrees and says they must divorce. Is this the same as Rabbi Meir's opinion regarding a man who marries a pregnant or nursing woman?

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