Yevamot 41 - April 17, 16 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format What is the reason why that a man can marry the relative of the tzara of a chalutza but not the tzara of the relative of his chalutza? If a man performs chalitza with his yevama or gets divorced, and his brother marries her sister and dies childless, he cannot do yibum, but is he obligated to perform chalitza with her? If one falls to yibum to two brothers and in the meantime, one betroths her sister, Rabbi Yehuda ben Beteira requires him to wait until the other brother deals with the yevama (does yibum or chalitza) and only then can he marry the sister. Alternatively, if the yevama dies, he can marry his wife. If the other brother dies, he must divorce his wife and perform chalitza with the yevama. A question was asked - what if the betrothed woman died, can he perform yibum with the yevama - is she forbidden to him because she was already forbidden at the time of the betrothal, or since the reason she was forbidden is no longer relevant, can we permit him to perform yibum with her? Rav and Rabbi Chanina permit. Shmuel and Rav Asi forbid. Rav Hamnuna questions Rav from a Mishna (Yevamot 29a) where a yevama was permitted and then forbidden and then remained forbidden. Rav didn't respond to the question. Rava suggests that Rav could have attributed the Mishna to Rabbi Elazar (Yevamot 109a). Can we really line up the opinions of Rabbi Elazar and the rabbis with Rav and Shmuel's opinions here? Are the cases similar or can one distinguish between them? A woman needs to wait three months before yibum or chalitza to make sure she isn't pregnant. Does this apply to all situations or are there exceptions? There is a debate in the Mishna regarding this issue. Why does she need to wait if chalitza is being done? Can this be used to question Rabbi Yochanan's opinion that the chalitza of a pregnant woman is a valid chalitza? The Gemara offers three answers, as the first two are rejected. Who is responsible for mezonot (providing sustenance) for the yevama until such time that yibum/chalitza is performed?

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