Yevamot 47 - Shabbat April 23, 22 Nissan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Today’s daf is sponsored by Devorah Radomsky in honor of her daughter, Elisheva Yehudit on the occasion of her Bat Mitzvah. Today’s daf is sponsored by Yechiel Berkowicz. “In loving memory of my mother Sara F. Berkowicz. She was a holocaust survivor, a fighter, and a strong believer in Jewish education.” Article by Rabbi David Brofsky - The Role of Beit Din and the Immersion of Female Converts Tshuva by Rabbi Jeffrey Fox Article by Michal Tikochinsky (in Hebrew) If someone says they are a convert, do we believe them? What type of proof is necessary and on what does it depend? Is there a difference between conversions in Israel and abroad? One needs to convert in front of a court - one cannot convert on one’s own. A case was brought where someone was assumed to be a Jew and then they said they converted on their own. Rabbi Yehuda ruled that they should accept his testimony about himself that he was no longer considered Jewish, but not to mess up his children. The Gemara questions Rabbi Yehuda’s ruling based on another ruling of his regarding a father’s testimony being accepted to mess up his child. Rav Nachman and Rava each bring different answers to resolve this contradiction. What is the procedure when someone comes forward saying that they wish to convert? First, we try to discourage them – why? But if they persist we accept them – this is derived from Naomi’s acceptance of Ruth. How many are needed to be present during the immersion in the mikveh? A Canaanite slave who is freed needs to immerse in a mikveh – but does he need to accept mitzvot when immersing?

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