Yevamot 57 - May 3, 2 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 57 Today’s daf is sponsored by the Cohen, Raye & Maybaum families in loving memory of their mother Elisabeth Maybaum, Elisheva bat Yehuda, on her 3rd yahrzeit. “You inspired us, you supported us, you made us laugh. We miss your wise counsel and insights. We miss you.” Today’s daf is sponsored by Abi Yonitzman in loving memory of Albert Kobney ben Adel and health to Serina Kobney bat Rachel. Is the debate in the Mishnah regarding a man who betroths a bat kohen the same debate as a patzua daka who is a kohen who marries a bat Yisrael? The Gemara tries to distinguish between the cases, but Rava and Abaye prove (each in a different way) that they are similar. Why did each not interpret like the other opinion? Rabbi Yochanan asked Rabbi Oshaya a question he could not answer - a patzua daka who was married to the daughter or converts - could she eat truma? There is a dispute between three tannaim regarding the daughter of a convert - is she disqualified to marry a kohen and is she considered “within the community” and can’t marry a patzua daka? According to which opinion did Rabb Yochanan ask his question? What is the answer to the question? Rav and Shmuel disagree in a case where there is a chuppah without a betrothal of a woman forbidden to a kohen with a kohen, will she be disqualified from eating truma?  

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