Yevamot 58 - Yom HaZikaron, May 4, 3 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 58 Today’s daf is dedicated in memory of the fallen soldiers that were killed protecting the State of Israel and in memory of those that were killed in terrorist attacks and died by Kiddush Hashem. Today's daf is sponsored by Goldie Gilad in loving memory of Paul Weitson, son of her dear friends Rima and Harry. Paul fell on the 9th of Shevat 5735. Dedicate your daf on Yom HaZikaron to the memory of one of the fallen soldiers. Is the debate regarding the power of a forbidden chuppah to disqualify a woman from eating truma (between Rav and Shmuel) the same as the debate between Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Elazar/Rabbi Shimon in the Mishna regarding kiddushin? It seems it is not! Could it be the same as the debate between the rabbis and R. Yochanan ben Broka that can be found in a braita? In the end, these two options are rejected. Rav Sheshet ruled like Rav that a chuppah can disqualify her. Rav Amram tried to prove this from a Mishnah in Sotah 18a where the Sotah swears that she did not stray from her husband also when she was betrothed. How can there be a Sotah from a betrothal? After bringing some options that are rejected, they explain the Mishna in a case of chuppah without relations. That proves chuppah can disqualify.  Rava rejects the Mishnah because he says it is impossible to have a situation when she was suspected of being with another man before she even had relations with her husband. The Gemara brings three options on how to understand the Mishnah. There is a dispute between Rabbi Yochanan and Reish Lakish in the case that yabam gave the yevama a get – does that disqualify her from eating truma?

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