Yevamot 59 - Yom Haazmaut - May 5, 4 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Our learning today will be in honor of the State of Israel celebrating 74 years of independence. Today's daf is sponsored by Laura Shechter in honor of her daughter, Kayla, who has won her division of the USA Chidon HaTanach two years in a row and has now earned a spot to compete in next year's international competition.  “Kayla, it has been such a pleasure doing our own learning side by side. Aba and I are so proud of your effort and accomplishments. L'shana haba'a b'Yerushalayim!” Today’s daf is sponsored by Tina and Shalom Lamm with gratitude to Hashem for a new granddaughter, Tsofia Miriam.  “Mazal tov to her parents, Sara and Shmuel Lamm!” Today’s daf is sponsored by the Hadran community in honor of Medinah Korn's birthday! "We would like to wish you a happy birthday and many more till 120. Thank you for all the work you have done for our Hadran community and filling in with the group zoom when Michelle records in advance." According to some opinions, one of the limitations on who a kohen gadol can marry is related to age, which is derived from the word "betula" - virgin. Rabbi Chiya bar Yosef asked Shmuel: If a kohen gadol betroths a woman when she is young but by the time he married her she was already beyond the designated age permitted for him to marry her, can he go ahead with the marriage - is the age limit important for the betrothal or the marriage? Shmuel attempts to derive it from our Mishna, but after Rabbi Chiya raises an issue with that, Shmuel tried to derive it from a different Mishna in this chapter. Rabbi Chiya rejects that comparison as well. A kohen gadol can't marry a widow, even if she was only betrothed to someone else. From where is this derived? The issue of whether there is an age limitation (above twelve and a half - bogeret - is a subject of debate in the Mishna between Rabbi Meir and Rabbis Shimon and Elazar. How does each derive their opinion from the verses in the Torah (Vayikra 21:13)? Rav states that a woman that had relations in an atypical manner (which would not cause loss of virginity - tearing of the hymen) is also disqualified from marrying a kohen gadol. Rava raises a difficulty against Rav from a braita about a kohen gadol who raped a woman. The Gemara attempts to say the braita and Rav were each stated according to a different tannaitic opinion (Rabbi Meir/Rabbi Elazar), however, this answer is rejected. Rav Yosef limits the scope of Rav's statement in order to resolve the difficulty. A difficulty is raised with his answer as well and Rabbi Zeria brings a third answer. Is a woman who engages in bestiality prohibited from marrying a kohen gadol? If the kohen gadol had raped or seduced a woman, he is not permitted to marry her, but if he did, the marriage is valid. However, he must divorce her.  

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