Yevamot 6 - March 13, 10 Adar 2

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 6 This week’s learning is sponsored by Bracha Ehrman. “Mazal tov to Esther Ehrman, the Bet Shemesh women's daf yomi group and the Hadran community on finishing seder moed!  Today’s daf is sponsored by Deborah Aschheim in loving memory of her grandmother, Sarah Pfeffer Aschheim. "Omama, your sudden passing in Hannover, Germany in 1931 created a void that is still felt to this day. You would be so proud of your descendants."  Can we learn from the laws of honoring one's parents that in general, a positive commandment can override a negative one, even if the negative one is punishable by karet? In the end, this too is rejected. They try to derive it also from the commandment to build the Temple and from the laws of kindling on Shabbat. Both those answers are rejected as well.

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