Yevamot 68 - Shabbat May 14, 13 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

The Gemara continues to go through each of the cases in the Mishna where we are strict in both directions and will not allow a bat yisrael who is with a kohen to eat truma and at the same time, it will not allow a bat kohen to eat truma in her father’s house if she is in this situation with a yisrael. What is the case mentioned “a nine-year-old and a day”? What was the interaction between the woman and the man in that case? Two different explanations are suggested, after they rejected the first assumption that it was referring to a woman waiting to yibum. A braita was mentioned in this context about a man of this age (9 and a day) who is in the category of pusulei chitun, one who is not allowed to marry a Jewish woman, or a challal, engages in relations with a woman. The woman is disqualified from eating truma and banned from marrying a kohen. Two other opinions are brought as well, which will be explained in Yevamot 69. What is the source for this halacha? A discussion of the verse used is brought – isn’t that verse needed to teach other laws? What laws? Isn’t the verse referring only to the daughter of a kohen, what about other women? Isn’t the verse only relating to truma, from where do we learn she can’t marry a kohen?

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