Yevamot 75 - Shabbat May 21, 20 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

  There are three verses in the Torah that refer to not eating truma when impure– why are all three necessary?  To those who understand the verses relating to the zav and leper different from Rabbi Yishmael – that they need to still bring a sacrifice, the verse must be referring not the truma but to sacrificial meat. If so, why are two verses needed to say the same thing – that one cannot eat sacrificial meat until after one has brought their sacrifices? From where is the prohibition for touching truma when impure derived from? The Gemara delves into the cases of one with crushed or severed genitals. The Mishna states that their wives cannot eat truma – according to whose opinion is the Mishna stated? What situations put one in this category? Shmuel holds that one who was born like that is not disqualified from marrying. Where and how exactly does it being severed cause one to be/not to be disqualified.

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