Yevamot 84 - May 30, 29 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 84 Presentation in PDF format Today’s daf is sponsored by David Wenner in honor of Yaffa (Wenner) joining Hadran’s Daf Yomi. “From your loving family." Rav Nachman bar Yitzchak brings further support for the assertion made that even though Rabbi Eliezer ruled that an androgynous is considered a male for truma, regarding animals for sacrifices, he views them as incapable of being sanctified. A braita tells about Rebbe, Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi, that when he went to Rabbi Eliezer ben Arach, the students made a lot of ruckus to prevent him from learning and all he managed to do was to learn the line in our Mishna of Rabbi Eliezer regarding the punishment received by an androgynous for engaging in relations with a man. The ninth chapter begins with a reorganization of cases previously learned. The Mishna shows that there are cases where a woman is permitted to her husband but forbidden to her yabam (her husband’s brother), forbidden to her husband but permitted to her yabam, permitted to both and forbidden to both. While the Mishna lists specific cases, the Gemara questions why specifically were certain cases were written in a particular manner, when they could have been described in other ways. Further, they suggest that perhaps the Mishna doesn’t hold by a certain opinion regarding the offspring of an Egyptian convert (that it follows the mother) as otherwise, it would have listed a particular case in the Mishna. However, in the end, they conclude that it is inconclusive as the Mishna left off other cases as well. What else was left out? Were they really considered left out? Rav holds that a daughter of a kohen can marry a chalal. Can this be proven from our Mishna? A difficulty is raised against this halacha of Rav from a braita, but Rava interprets the braita differently.

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