Yevamot 91 - June 6, 7 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yevamot 91 Presentation in PDF format The Mishna listed several different opinions regarding the penalties for a woman who remarried based on the testimony of one witness. Do each of them build on the one before or on the one after him? Two different approaches to this are brought. Rav Huna says in the name of Rav that in a case of two witnesses who testify he died and the court was not involved, the halacha follows the Mishna that she can stay married to the first husband. Rav Nachman is bothered by this statement as he should have stated “The halacha is like Rabbi Shimon” as he assumes the Mishna reflects that position and the rabbis disagree. Rav Sheshet questions Rav as he doesn’t think there is an argument at all regarding this issue and doesn’t, therefore, understand why Rav says “The halacha is like this.” He brings a braita to support his claim that there is no debate, however, the Gemara brings four alternative readings of that braita. Ulla also raises a question on the logic behind Rav Sheshet’s position (the woman is clearly not to blame) from six different Mishnayot in which we penalize the woman. However, explanations are brought for each one, as in each source there was a reason why the woman was to blame.

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