Yevamot 93 - June 8, 9 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Reish Lakish suggested that the Mishna quoted by Rabbi Yochanan could be explained as Rabbi Akiva’s opinion. But this is rejected as Rabbi Akiva holds that one can acquire things that are not yet in existence and the Mishna was based on the principle that things that are not yet in existence cannot be acquired. Some hold that Rabbi Akiva holds this way and others disagree. Rav Nachman brought a list of rabbis, including Rabbi Akiva, who all hold that one can acquire something that is not yet in existence. The Gemara then lists all of the sources in which we see each one’s opinion. Two versions are brought of a question that Rav Sheshet was asked. Either the question was – can one witness be accepted to permit a woman to marry a yabam. Or can one witness be accepted to permit a woman to marry someone other than the yabam (that the son died after the father)?

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