Yevamot 95 - June 10, 11 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format Why is a woman forbidden to go back to her husband after being with another man unwittingly (one witness testified that he had died) while a man whose wife went abroad and he married her sister, thinking his wife was dead, is not penalized and can return to his original wife? The answer comes from a drasha, because logic would state that it was forbidden. There is a debate regarding a similar situation with his mother-in-law – is he then forbidden to go back to his original wife or not? What is the logic mentioned previously? It mentions there an issur kal, lighter prohibition. What is the case of the lighter prohibition? Several suggestions are brought until they conclude that it is talking about a married woman. Why is that considered an issur kal? The Gemara brings two explanations for Rabbi Yosi’s ambiguous line in the Mishna. Shmuel holds like Rabbi Yosi. A question is raised against this from a debate between Rav and Shmuel. How can this be resolved?

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