Yevamot 96 - Shabbat June 11, 12 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format Today's daf is sponsored by Leah Ackner and Jonathan Loring in honor of their daughter, Meira Raizel's Bat Mitzvah "16 years ago, we were called to the Torah to celebrate our marriage. Today, we are proud to watch you be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah, chanting the very same verses mommy chanted at our aufruf. We are so proud of the person you are becoming. May you continue to learn and grow in Torah - we love you!"  The Gemara brings a number of other resolutions to how Shmuel could hold like Rabbi Yosi and also say that a yevama is not treated like a married woman. The Mishna describes a case where a man married multiple half-sisters thinking their sister had died, but in fact, they hadn’t. To which is he considered married and to which not? Laws regarding yibum with a boy 9 years old are discussed. What is the difference between actions of his relating to yibum and one who has already reached puberty? If he engages in intercourse with the yevama, what is the strength of that relationship? What is two brothers each over nine but haven’t yet reached maturity, perform yibum with the yevama, how do we treat that? What if the nine-year-old performed yibum and then died, what would be the laws for his wife? What are the issues at stake?

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