Yevamot 97 - June 12, 13 Sivan

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Presentation in PDF format This week's learning is sponsored by Robert and Paula Cohen in loving memory of Helen Cohen, Hennah bat Yitchak Nechemia. This week’s learning is sponsored by Shalom and Tina Lamm to commemorate the 2nd yahrzeit of their beloved father and father-in-law, Rabbi Dr. Norman Lamm, zecher tzadik l’vracha, Harav Nachum ben Meir Shmuel v’Perel.  “We are grateful to Hashem  that our family was finally zocheh to fulfill your final wish and bring you and our wonderful matriarch, Mrs. Mindy Lamm, a’h, home to artzeinu hakedosha.” Today's daf is sponsored by Moshe and Nitzan Shiloni for the refuah shleima of Chanoch ben Sara. Why was Rabbi Yochanan so upset at Rabbi Elazar when he didn't quote the halacha in Rabbi Yochanan's name? There is a debate regarding the relatives of a woman who engaged in relations with a man out of wedlock - is she forbidden to his son? All agree that she is permitted to his father. The Gemara brings several riddles regarding hypothetical cases of people who are related to each other in a number of different ways. Are brothers who converted obligated in yibum for each other's wives? Are regular laws of forbidden relationships applicable to them, i.e. can they marry each other's wives if their brother died/divorced her? 

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