Yoma 10 - April 21, 9 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 10 Today's daf is sponsored by Ellen Golub in loving memory of her aunt, Lottie Cohen, on her seventh yahrzeit. "Auntie Lottie spoke a beautiful Yiddish and was a woman of extraordinary patience, love, and generosity of spirit. Yehi zichrona li’vracha." And by Yoni Bock to his partner Ron Kaplan on achieving a half-century milestone. "From never having studied a page of Talmud to taking time to tackle daf yomi daily, you are an inspiration. Happy birthday! Ad meah v'esrim." And for a refuah shleima for  Noach Avraham ben Batya Shana. How do we know the Persians came from Yefet? The gemara brings lists of names in Genesis Chapter 10 and explains what they are referring to. Will the Persians fall into the hands of the Romans or the reverse? Is the Lishkat Parhedrin obligated in a mezuza or not? Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis disagree. They also have the same a similar debate regarding a mezuza on a sukka but their opinions there contradict their opinions here. How is that contradiction resolved?

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