Yoma 11 - April 22, 10 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 11 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Shana Lowell for the refuah of Bobby Schochet, Shaina Rochel bat Rivka. Bobby is an artist, loving mother, grandmother, aunt, and friend. She is both loyal and giving, and has always been supportive of women’s learning. And for a refuah shleima for  Noach Avraham ben Batya Shana. What types of places are obligated in mezuza? Rav Kahana and Rabbi Yehuda disagree regarding a storage room. The gemara brings various braitot and explains them according to each opinion. Is the house of a woman or partners obligated? Why would one think it is not? Can those houses also become a leprous house? How are the verses, which are masculine and singular to be understood? What about a shul?

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