Yoma 12 - April 23, 11 Iyar

Daf Yomi for Women - Hadran - A podcast by Michelle Cohen Farber

Study Guide Yoma 12 Pictures Today's daf is sponsored by Peri Rosenfeld on the 11th yahrzeit of Yishaya Zev (Willie) Rosenfeld "who took great pride in the accomplishments and learning of his daughters. His devotion to hilarious storytelling was only surpassed by his love of his family, yiddishkeit and the State of Israel. He is sorely missed." The gemara gave three different explanations regarding a contradiction between braitot regarding whether or not a synagogue could become a leprous house. One answer distinguished between a big city and a small town – a small town could be leprous as it is considered “owned” by the people in the town whereas a big city would not. The gemara questions this assumption from a braita which indicates that even in a city, a synagogue could become leprous. The question is resolved but the gemara tries to understand the debate between Rabbi Yehuda and the rabbis in the braita which is based on a debate regarding the city of Jerusalem – was is given to a particular tribe or did it remain communal, unowned property? Is one allowed to rent out property or beds in Jerusalem? The gemara then raises a question on the assumption that in a small town, a synagogue could be leprous. Since there is no resolution, the gemara rejects this answer. If the Kohen Gadol is replaced on Yom Kippur itself, how does the new Kohen become initiated - he generally gets initiated by doing service with the 8 articles of clothing of the Kohen Gadol, but the service on Yom Kippur is performed with only 4 garments? The Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur wore a belt of linen which was different than his usual belt which was sha’atnez (wool and linen mixed). Was this the same as what a regular Kohen wears? There is a disagreement about this. If the belt was different, then his initiation could be done by wearing the clothing, but if it was the same as a regular Kohen, he wouldn’t stand out in any way and would need to be initiated some other way. What happens to his clothes after he finishes using them on Yom Kippur? If a Kohen Gadol becomes disqualified and someone takes his place, what happens to each of them when the Kohen Gadol is no longer disqualified? Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yosi disagree about this issue.

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